Ultrasound-guided Hip Injection
Dr. Pradyumna R carefully evaluate your conditions and symptoms associated to your hip pain and injuries, based on the diagnostic report and scan he would suggest if so, you are a candidate for Ultrasound-guided Hip Injection procedure, he is an highly experienced hip treatment specialist provides diagnosis as well as surgical and nonsurgical treatment options at Bangalore Orthopaedic Clinic, in BTM Layout, Bangalore.
If you have any queries or would like to schedule an appointment for ultrasound-guided hip Injection procedure or hip and groin pain or hip joint pain or hip arthritis treatment consultation please call +919113025188.
- Hip impingement
- Iliopsoas tendonitis
- Hip and groin pain
- Iliopsoas tendonitis
- Groin pain in runners
- Adductor tendonitis
- Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- Stress fracture of the hip
- Hip dysplasia
The ultrasound-guided hip injection procedure
Ultrasound-guided hip joint injections are a safe, non-invasive approach to treating pain, inflammation, and impaired mobility. Your surgeon will place the ultrasound probe over your hip to identify the hip joint. A numbing spray will be spurted to minimize the sensation of the needle entering the skin. Then your surgeon will then gently insert a small calibre needle that will enter the joint. You may feel the discomfort for a few seconds due to the piercing. A combination of anaesthetic and the anti-inflammatory agent is then slowly injected into the joint. The whole procedure usually takes about 10 minutes.
- Swelling in the joint after the injection
- Pain in the joint after the injection
- Infection
- Depigmentation of skin
- Local thinning of the skin
- Rupture of a tendon
- No relief from pain
- Improved accuracy: With ultrasound guidance, pain and anti-inflammatory medication can be injected into the exact spot for symptomatic relief for longer durations of time.
- Reduced procedural pain: Ultrasound-guided injections are typically considered quicker and less painful than conventional injections.
- Improved safety: Ultrasound imaging is known to be safe for the past two or more decades. As your surgeon can see exactly where the needle is going, the risk of complications from improper placement is greatly decreased.